2012中国银行成立100周年纪念钞香港及澳门各一张,同编号238508, 均评PMG66EPQ, 同号钞市场极之难找。Bank of China,a pair of commemorative $100, Macau and Hong Kong issue, 2012, identical serial number 238508, (Pick 114, 346), difficult to find a pair, both PMG ...
2012中银100周年纪念钞一佰圆,编号AA 001958, PMG65EPQ。Bank of China,$100, 5.2.2012, commemorative of the centenary of the bank, serial number AA 001958, red and multicolour, Great Wall at centre left, reverse red and multicolour, view of Victoria Harbour a ...
2012年中国银行百年华诞纪念钞港币及澳门币一佰圆,同票号各一共两套,均带原装封套。均全新Bank of China, sets of 2012 Centenary HK$100 & 100 Patacas, s/ns 258676 & BOC258676, both with original holders. Both UNC (2 sets) ...