2001年500元。熊猫系列。镜面底板,霜化图文,精美诱人。NGC MS-68.CHINA. 500 Yuan, 2001. Panda Series. NGC MS-68.Fr-B14; KM-1371; PAN-335a. Brilliant with proof-like fields and frosted devices.
2001年熊猫纪念银币1盎司 近未流通
Volksrepublik seit 1949 10 Yuan Panda 2001. Panda aus Bambuspflanzung hervorkommend. Verschweißt, etwas rote Farbe am Plastik. KM 1365 Schön 1268.1
2001年渣打一仟圆, 编号AA632549, PMG66EPQ。Standard Chartered Bank,$1000, 2001, serial number AA632549, orange on multicolour underprint, dragon at right, watermark of warrior at left,(Pick 289d), PMG 66EPQ.
2001年香港上海汇丰银行一佰圆, 编号JG654321, PMG64。Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation$100, 1.1.2001, descending ladder serial number JG654321, red on multicolour underprint, lion at left, reverse red and black, lions flanking bank building at centr ...
1994-2001中银纸币4枚一组, 全是趣味号码, PMG45-66EPQ 。Bank of China,group of 4 notes with fancy serial numbers, $20, 1999 serial number GL600000, $100, 1996, serial number BS100000, $500, 1994, serial number AB099999 and $1000, 2001, serial number BK088888 ...
1994-2001年中国银行(香港)贰拾,伍拾,一佰,伍佰,一仟圆一组五枚,PMG66EPQ-67EPQ。Bank of China,type set from the $20 to $1000 of the 1994 to 2001 series, (Pick 329 to 333), graded 66EPQ to 67EPQ (5)
1997-2001菲律宾10披索4连体样钞,PMG64EPQ。Philippines,10 piso, specimen, uncut sheet of four, 1997-2001, brown on multicolour, Apolinario Mabini and Andres Bonifacio at left, Barasoain church on reverse,(Pick 187s), PMG 64EPQ, Choice Uncirculated. ...