1975年无日期渣打伍佰圆, 编号Z/P129699, PMG30。The Chartered Bank,$500, ND (1975), serial number Z/P 129699, brown and multicolour, dark portrait of man at left, Royal Crest at centre, junk boats and harbour on reverse,(Pick 72c), PMG 30 Very Fine ...
1975年(无日期)渣打伍圆啡屋补版,编号Z098444, PMG64。The Chartered Bank,$5, ND(1975), Replacement, serial number Z098444, brown on multicolour underprint, bank building at left, arms at upper centre, reverse brown, building at right,(Pick 73b*), PMG 64, c ...
1975年毛里裘斯纪念银币二枚一组,面值25及50卢比,含银量均.925, 25卢比,重量为28克、50卢比为35克,分别评NGC PF68UC 及PF67UC。Mauritius,a pair of silver 25 and 50 rupees, 1975, Conservation series, Elizabeth II on obverse, blue swallow tail butterfly and Maur ...