2000年100元。熊猫系列。外圈镜面。底板精製,霜化图文,精美诱人。NGC MS-69.CHINA. 100 Yuan, 2000. Panda Series. NGC MS-69.Fr-B4; KM-1307; PAN-326b. Mirrored ring. Brilliant with proof-like fields and frosted devices.
Fr. 2000-A. 1928 $10 Federal Reserve Note. Boston. PCGS Very Fine 20. Inverted Back Printing.,This moderately circulated example is the first we have offered for this Boston district. 1928 series inverted backs are seldom seen in any form of preservation. ...
(2000)-P Sacagawea Dollar--Muled with a Statehood Quarter--MS-67 (NGC).,A gorgeous specimen of this incredible rarity showcasing golden tan surfaces with areas of richer honey coloration throughout. The overall pristine surfaces are complemented by satiny ...
2005年五版人民币伍圆, 趣味号DP20000000, PMG40EPQ。People s Bank of China,5 yuan, 2005, fancy number DP20000000, purple on multicolour, Mao Zedong at right, Potala of Tibet on reverse,(Pick 903), PMG 40EPQ, Extremely Fine.
2000年中国龙钞100元,编号J03347534, PMG64EPQ。People s Bank of China,100 yuan, 2000, serial number J03347534, polymer issue, the famous Dragon note issued for the Millenium,(Pick 902), PMG 64EPQ Choice Uncirculated
2000年渣打一仟圆, 编号V806364, PMG66EPQ。Standard Chartered Bank,$1000, 2000, serial number V806364, orange on multicolour underprint, dragon at right, watermark of warrior at left,(Pick 289c), PMG 66EPQ.
1974年印尼一安士纪念银币二枚一组,面值2000及5000盾,分别评NGC PF69UC及PF68UC 。Indonesia,a pair of 1 oz silver 2000 rupiah and 5000 rupiah, 1974, Conservation series, Javan tiger and orangutan on obverse respectively, reverse national emblem on reverse,NGC ...
关于2000年熊猫纪念金币1盎司 NGC MS 69的评论