民国十八年孙中山先生安葬纪念章。孙中山肖像略向右方。反面是南京紫金山中山陵,文字在上缘。美国纽约Medallic Art 公司製作。边道上打上Medallic Art厂名。虽然是黄铜製成,此枚呈现出柔和漂亮的金色表面,看起来非常圆润。这枚章雕刻精緻,充分展现孙中山的庄严容貌,与其他之前相比。这是我们经手最好的一枚。PCGS SP-63 Secure Holder.Ex: Stacks Bowers August 2015 Hong Kong sale, Lot #51243 where it hammered at $3250.CHINA. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Brass Medal, Year 18 (1929). PCGS SP-63 Secure Holder.76.2 mm; 159.00 gms. CCC-720. Bust of Sun Yat-sen facing three quarters right; Reverse: View of the entrance to Sun Yat-sens mausoleum at Mount Zijin in Nanjing, seal script legend above. Struck by the Medallic Art Company of New York. Normally this medal has an edge inscription naming the Medallic Art Company however this example lacks such an inscription although this fact is hidden by the PCGS holder. Though struck in brass the medal bears a lovely subdued golden bronze patina which gives it a certain warmth in appearance. This is matched with the well executed dignified visage of Sun Yat-sen creating an exceptional medal especially when compared with others of the period. The nicest example of its kind we have been able to present.
民国二十八年财政部中央造币厰桂林分厂週年纪念铜章。稀罕。深打,铜光充沛,色泽浓丽。PCGS AU-55 Secure Holder.CHINA. Kweilin Mint Copper Medal, Year 28 (1939). PCGS AU-55 Secure Holder.L&M-1002 var.; Bruce-820. Struck to commemorate the 1st anniversary of the ...
民国钱币一组。含5枚孙像小头及6枚孙像大头,总体品相较佳,一枚有孔,部分有其他瑕疵。现况出售,概不退换。FINE to UNCIRCULATED.CHINA. Republic Dollars, 1912-34.11 pieces in lot. Includes: five Memento Dollars (Y-318a.1) and six Sun Yat-Sen Dollars (Y-345). Gen ...
民国三至十年袁世凯像一圆银币。不同年份袁大头,其中8枚三年,3枚九年,5枚十年,共16枚一组。平均品相较佳,部分出众,部分有瑕疵。现况出售,概不退换。VERY FINE to ALMOST UNCIRCULATED.CHINA. Lot of (16) Mixed Date Yuan Shih-Kai Dollars, 1914-21.Includes: Year 3 ...
民国三至十年袁世凯像一圆银币。13枚一组,其中3枚一角,3枚贰角,7枚一圆,不同年份及版别,均有流通痕迹,大部分经清洗。现况出售,概不退换。VERY FINE to ALMOST UNCIRCULATED.CHINA. Yuan Shih-Kai Coinage, 1914-21.13 pieces in lot. 10 Cents (3), three twenty Cent ...
钱币一组。清朝及民国钱币,其中有2枚一角、7枚贰角、1枚龙洋 (Y31)、2枚袁大头 (Y329)及3枚孙中山小头 (Y318)。15枚一组,现况出售,概不退换。VARIOUS GRADES.CHINA. 10 & 20 Cents and Dollars, ca. 1911-36.15 pieces in lot. Empire and republic. We note two 10 Cent p ...
民国元年直隶都督张勳头等纪念牌。半身军人像,"GIORG"于肩上;反面:交叉双旗。旗上隐见刮痕,其他均完好无缺。包浆吸引。NGC AU Details--Reverse Scratched.CHINA. Chang Hsun First Class Silver Medal, ND (1912). NGC AU Details--Reverse Scratched.L&M-938; K-pl. 191 ...
民国三年袁世凯一圆银币。5枚一组袁世凯一圆,评分在几乎未流通和未流通之间。PCGS Genuine (4) & PCGS Genuine--Cleaned, Unc Details (1).CHINA. Dollar, Year 3 (1914). PCGS Genuine.Y-329. 5 pieces in lot. Yuan Shih-kai Dollars, all Year 3. ALMOST UNCIRCULATED to ...
关于民国十八年孙中山先生安葬纪念章 PCGS SP 63的评论