一九三二年鄂豫皖苏维埃政府一圆银币。由中华苏维埃共和国国家银行发行,在中央革命根据地及其周边地区流通。据我们所知,首次收录此版别的著述是1937年发行的《中国钱币协会公报》(Bulletin of The Numismatic Society of China),由Duncan Raeburn撰写。钱币正面铸有经典的代表苏维埃共和国的镰刀、锤子及地球标志,四周环绕文字"全世界无产阶级联合起来呵";背面中心铸有"一圆",其上为中文日期"一九三二" 。值得注意的是,此币使用的西元纪年法有别于传统的中式纪年。钱币背面下方的文字是以不精准的斯拉夫语拼写的"伪俄语",意为"中华苏维埃共和国"。在苏维埃钱币系列中,此版别最为珍罕且重要,相信是鄂豫皖革命根据地的流通货币。它也是唯一一种双语铸造的苏维埃钱币,是苏维埃钱币系列收藏中不可或缺的一环。在当时原始艰难的铸造条件下,币面铸打不甚均匀是常见的现象。币有包浆,全无人工整修痕迹。NGC VF-25.CHINA. Hupeh-Honan-Anhwei Soviet. Dollar, 1932. NGC VF-25.L&M-887; K-802; Y-503; WS-1335; Bulletin of the Numismatic Society of China-Vol.XXVI. No 3. March 1937, pg. 119-124, pl.1#4. Minted in 1932, issued for the State Bank of the Chinese Soviet Republic for areas around the Central Revolutionary Base. To our knowledge, this type was first described by Duncan Raeburn in the Bulletin of The Numismatic Society of China in 1937. The obverse depicts the classic hammer and sickle atop a globe with Chinese legend around reading, "ALL THE PROLETARIANS WORLDWIDE UNITE!" The central reverse displays "One Yuan" or "One Dollar" with Chinese legend above displaying the date of 1932. It is interesting to note the date is arranged in a western manner as 1932 which deviates from the traditional Chinese method of dating coins. The lower legend on the reverse is arranged in a "Pseudo Russian" script of somewhat debased Cyrillic, transcribed as "Soviet Chinese Republic". Of the utmost rarity and importance as this ranks among the earlier of the Soviet issues, believed by many to have been struck for use in the Hupeh-Honan-Anhwei revolutionary base area. The only bilingual coin of the Soviet series, it is considered one of the key pieces in assembling a collection of Soviet Dollars. Uneven strike which is not unusual for this issue that was produced under harsh primitive minting conditions. Toned and fully original.
一九三四年川陕省苏维埃500文铜币。铸打精美,棕色外表诱人。NGC EF-45 BN.Ex: Robinson Collection.CHINA. Szechuan-Shensi Soviet. 500 Cash, 1934. NGC EF-45 BN.Y-512.1; Duan-69. Good strike with attractive even brown surfaces.
一九三四年川陕省苏维埃500文铜币。铸打精美,棕色外表诱人。NGC EF-45 BN.Ex: Robinson Collection.CHINA. Szechuan-Shensi Soviet. 500 Cash, 1934. NGC EF-45 BN.Y-512.1; Duan-69. Good strike with attractive even brown surfaces.
一九三四年川陕省苏维埃500文铜币。铸打精美,褐色外表诱人。NGC EF-45 BN.CHINA. Szechuan-Shensi Soviet. 500 Cash, 1934. NGC EF-45 BN.Y-512.1; Duan-69. Good strike with attractive chocolate brown surfaces.
一九三四年川陕省苏维埃500文铜币。边缘有一小瑕疵。铸打精美,棕色光泽诱人。NGC AU-55 BN.CHINA. Szechuan-Shensi Soviet. 500 Cash, 1934. NGC AU-55 BN.Y-512.1; Duan-69. One small edge flaw. Nice strike with attractive glossy brown surfaces. ...
一九三四年川陕省苏维埃200文铜币。日期普通"4"。有几处坯饼小瑕疵,铸打精美,棕色外表诱人。NGC EF-40 BN.CHINA. Szechuan-Shensi Soviet. 200 Cash, 1934. NGC EF-40 BN.Y-511.2; Duan-51. Normal "4" in date. Several minor planchet flaws, good strike with attractive ...
一九三四年川陕省苏维埃200文铜币。日期倒"4"。背面显示坯饼瑕疵,棕色外表诱人。NGC EF-40 BN.CHINA. Szechuan-Shensi Soviet. 200 Cash, 1934. NGC EF-40 BN.Y-511.1; Duan-51. "4" in date is reversed. Planchet defect on reverse, nice even brown surfaces. ...
一九三四年川陕省苏维埃200文铜币。日期反写"4"。铸打精美,无坯饼瑕疵。棕色外表非常诱人。NGC EF-45 BN.Ex: Robinson Collection.CHINA. Szechuan-Shensi Soviet. 200 Cash, 1934. NGC EF-45 BN.Y-511; Duan-51. "4" in date is reversed. Good strike and without planchet ...
川陕省苏维埃二百文铜币。反写200文。有少许不起眼的坯饼瑕疵。棕色外表诱人,优于常见款。NGC VF-30 BN.CHINA. Szechuan-Shensi Soviet. 200 Cash, 1933. NGC VF-30 BN.Y-510.4; Duan-0046. Retrograde "200". A few unobtrusive planchet flaws as usual. Attractive even b ...
PCGS MS-63 BN Secure Holder.
From the Q. David Bowers Collection.Ex: R. B. White.Ex: Howard D. Gibbs Colle ...
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