民国十八年孙中山像背三帆一圆银样币。糙齿边。奥地利维也纳造币厰设计。中国杭州造币厰製造。1929年,中国财政部提出要设计新款孙中山头像钱币,当时领先世界的五家造币厰:意大利、日本、英国、美国、奥地利分别提交了各自的设计,此枚便代表了奥地利维也纳造币厰的方案,由Richard Placht雕铸。各造币厰在设计完成后,将模具和新式样币均运往中国,其中的许多款式都曾在杭州造币厰重铸,此枚便是其中之一。齿边略显圆润,币面铸打深峻,光泽诱人。PCGS SP-63 Secure Holder.CHINA. Pattern Dollar, Year 18 (1929). PCGS SP-63 Secure Holder.L&M-97; K-617; KM-Pn101; WS-0135-1; Wenchao-pg. 565#912; Shanghai Museum-Mr. Shi Jiagans collection-pg. 129#603. Coarse reeded edge. Austrian design from the Vienna mint, but struck in China at the Hangchow mint. In 1929, the Chinese Ministry of Finance ordered a new design for the then proposed Dr. Sun Yat-sen Dollar. Patterns were submitted from the worlds five leading mints: Italy, Japan, England, United States and Austria. This represents the proposal from the mint in Vienna, Austria engraved by Richard Placht. Upon completion, the various mints shipped the dies as well as samples of the new patterns to China. Many of the patterns were re-struck in China at the Hangchow mint, which accounts for their availability today. One of the examples from the Hangchow mint, this pattern was struck with course somewhat rounded reeding. Sharply struck with brilliant luster.
民国二十三年孙中山像一圆银币。整体出色,光彩满溢。赏心悦目的一枚。PCGS MS-65.CHINA. Dollar, Year 23 (1934). PCGS MS-65.L&M-110; K-624; Y-345; WS-0146. A thoroughly appealing example with tremendous luster. Brilliant and attractive. ...
民国二十一年孙中山像一圆银币。三鸟,图案高处有擦损痕迹,因而获此分数。但光泽亮丽,包浆诱人。PCGS AU-58 Secure Holder.CHINA. Dollar, Year 21 (1932). PCGS AU-58 Secure Holder.L&M-108; K-622; Y-344; WS-0144. Birds over junk. Tiny traces of rub on the high spo ...
民国二十一年孙中山像一圆银币。三鸟。铸打深邃,雾面,车轮光。PCGS MS-64 Secure Holder.CHINA. Dollar, Year 21 (1932). PCGS MS-64 Secure Holder.L&M-108; K-622; Y-344; WS-0144. Birds over junk. Well struck with lovely satiny surfaces and a nice cartwheel effec ...
民国五十四年一仟圆,贰仟圆金币。孙中山一百週年诞晨纪念。非常相称的一组。每一枚均有丝许橘色包浆。PCGS MS-64 Secure Holder.CHINA. Taiwan. Two Piece Mint Set, Year 54 (1965).Fr-15 & 16; Y-541 & 542; L&M-1040 & 1041. 1,000 Yuan and 2,000 Yuan. Struck for the 1 ...
关于孙像三帆民国18年壹圆奥地利侧像 PCGS SP 63的评论