云南省造光绪元宝一钱四分四釐银币。样币。非常罕见。铜製。珍珠下有两个圆。很可能早期清洗过,现已重新包浆。铸打深峻,光泽充盈,虽获"Details"评级,但仍非常诱人。NGC Unc Details--Cleaned.CHINA. Yunnan. 1 Mace 4.4 Candareens (20 Cents) Pattern, ND (1911-15). NGC Unc Details--Cleaned.cf.L&M-423; cf.K-173; cf.Y-256; cf.WS-0684. VERY RARE. Struck in copper. Two circles beneath pearl. Possibly has been lightly cleaned some years ago, now with light toning. Sharply struck with considerable remaining luster and quite attractive despite the detail designation.
云南臆造贰角铜章。铸打尖锐,有吸引力的包浆,同时带有出厂状态光泽,整体十分诱人。NGC MS-65 RB.CHINA. Yunnan. Fantasy 20 Cash, ND. NGC MS-65 RB.CCC-578; Bruce-M480. Sharply struck with attractive mahogany tone. Traces of mint luster and overall quite attract ...
民国二十八年云南一仙铜币。拍卖不经常见的款种,仅发行一年,极罕。铸造精美,包浆均匀。PCGS MS-62 Secure Holder.CHINA. Yunnan. Cent (1 Fen), Year 28 (1939). PCGS MS-62 Secure Holder.KM-353; CL-YN.18; CCC-583; Duan-2783. Shi Kwan cent. SCARCE one year type not ...
云南贰角及伍角钱币一组。云南贰角及伍角,另有一枚一圆 (Y258)。其中伍角约20枚,版别Y257至Y257.3不等。约37枚一组,现况出售,概不退换。VARIOUS GRADES.CHINA. Yunnan. 20 Cents, 50 Cents and Dollar, ca.1909-49.A mixture of 20 Cents and 50 Cents with a Dollar ( ...
云南鹿头一两正银。法属印度支那鸦片贸易用银。铸打常细,诱人银光,瞩目闪烁。PCGS MS-62 Secure Holder.CHINA. Yunnan. Tael, ND (1943-44). PCGS MS-62 Secure Holder.L&M-435; K-939; KM-A3; WS-0704; Lec-325. Struck for use in the French Indo-China opium trade. Sma ...
云南鹿头一两正银。法属印度支那鸦片贸易用银。小鹿头版别。光泽亮丽,诱人夺目。PCGS MS-62 Secure Holder.CHINA. Yunnan. Tael, ND (1943-44). PCGS MS-62 Secure Holder.L&M-435; K-939; KM-A3; WS-0704; Lec-325. Struck for use in the French Indo-China opium trade. S ...
云南富字半两正银。法属印度支那鸦片贸易用银。轻微包浆,缎状丝滑柔光。铸打深峻,十分诱人。PCGS MS-63 Secure Holder.CHINA. Yunnan. 1/2 Tael, ND (1943-44). PCGS MS-63 Secure Holder.L&M-434; K-941; KM-A1.2; WS-0703; Lec-322. Struck for use in the French Indo-Ch ...
云南富字一两正银。法国印度支那鸦片贸易用银。铸打精美,霜白银光。PCGS MS-63 Secure Holder.CHINA. Yunnan. Tael, ND (1943). PCGS MS-63 Secure Holder.L&M-433; K-940; KM-A2a; Hsu-302; Lec-324. Struck for use in the French Indo China opium trade. Nicely struck w ...
云南富字一两正银。法属印度支那鸦片交易用银。铸打优良,霜白银光耀目绝伦。PCGS MS-64 Secure Holder.CHINA. Yunnan. Tael, ND (1943-44). PCGS MS-64 Secure Holder.L&M-433; K-940; KM-A2a; WS-0702; Lec-324. Struck for use in the French Indo-China opium trade. Good ...
云南富字一两法属印度支那鸦片贸易用银。轻微包浆诱,底光充沛,铸打优良,非常诱人。NGC MS-64.CHINA. Yunnan. Tael, ND (1943-44). NGC MS-64.L&M-433; K-940; KM-A2a; WS-0702; Lec-324. Struck for use in the French Indo-China opium trade. Lovely light toning with s ...
云南省造宣统元宝七钱二分银币。背面坯饼有细微刮痕,已包浆。PCGS Genuine--Planchet Flaw, AU Details Secure Holder.From the Q. David Bowers Collection.Ex: R. B. White Collection.Ex: Edgar Mandel Collection.CHINA. Yunnan. 7 Mace 2 Candareens (Dollar), ND (1909 ...
关于云南省造光绪元宝一钱四分四厘困龙 NGC UNC-Details的评论