台湾老公银饼。台湾一圆老公银饼,初为军事交易用币。因其近98%的高含银量,发行后备受民众支持及欢迎。当期,西班牙8 Reales 银币含银量近90%,广受认可。此版别正面铸寿星图,文字"柒贰库平"。该版别首次提出"7钱2分"概念,并逐渐演变为标准。反面两处细小矩形铸印代表製造厂或认证标记,为此版别标准印记,不可被误认为戳记。此币通常品相不佳,属正常现象,常有各类戳记。该枚并无戳记,品相无以伦比,乃是万幸。耀眼华丽,甚至透出玫瑰微粉光泽。寿星额头和鼎的顶面轻微弱。极为出色的一枚,进阶收藏的必备佳品。NGC MS-63.CHINA. Taiwan. "Old Man" Dollar, ND (1838-50). NGC MS-63.L&M-316; K-1; C-25-3; Chang Foundation-pg. 42#15; WS-0999. Initially designed as a form of military payment, the Taiwan Dollar quickly gained the approval of the people and grew in popularity. This was primarily due to its high silver content, approximately 98% fine. At this time, the Spanish 8 Reales were the most widely accepted coin as they were close to 90% fine. The obverse depicts the god of longevity with characters that signify "Seven Two by the Treasury Scales". This represents the first depiction of what later became the standard "7 Mace 2 Candareens". Two small rectangular stamps on the reverse represent makers or security marks. This is standard for this issue and should not be confused as chopmarks. It is normal for this type to be found in average to low condition, often heavily chopmarked. Thankfully this example has no chopmarks and is in impeccable condition. Featuring a gorgeous and even powder rose hue. Slightly weaker strike on the old mans forehead and the top of the quadripod. Overall a stellar example that is sure to elevate the next collection it enters.
民国六十五年台湾银行伍佰圆, PMG66EPQ。Bank of Taiwan,500 yuan, 1976, serial number AP250124WG, purple and green, Chiang Kai Shek at left, President House at centre on reverse,(Pick 1985), PMG 66EPQ, Gem Uncirculated.
民国五十年台湾银行一佰圆, PMG64。Bank of Taiwan,100 yuan, 1961, serial number W549446Q, green, SYS at left, denomination at each corner, reverse green, building at right,(Pick 1975), PMG 64, Choice Uncirculated.
民国三十九年台湾银行拾圆, 金门地名, PMG65EPQ。Bank of Taiwan,10 yuan, Kinmen, 1950, serial number D786598U, vertical format, blue and yellow, SYS at top centre, reverse blue, bank building at top centre, Chinese character of Kinmen overprinted at left an ...
民国三十八年台湾银行一圆, PMG65EPQ。Bank of Taiwan,1 yuan, 1949, serial number Y018090E, vertical format, purple on blue, SYS at top centre, reverse blue and pink, bank building at top centre,(Pick 1950), PMG 65EPQ, Gem Uncirculated.
昭和七年(1932)台湾银行券昭和甲券拾圆长号绿花, 组号{35}, CMC64OPQ。Bank of Taiwan,10 yen, no date (1932), serial number 429697 block 35, black on grey and green, shrine at left, shores on reverse,(Pick 1927a), CMC 64OPQ, Choice Uncirculated ...
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