From the Q. David Bowers Collection.Ex: R. B. White.
Ex: A.M Tracy Woodward (Plate Coin).CHINA. Chekiang. 10 Cash, ND (1903-06). PCGS EF-45 Secure Holder.CL-Unlisted; Woodward Addenda-10 (plate coin); Duan-Unlisted; CCC-Unlisted. EXTREMELY RARE and thought to be UNIQUE. This specimen combines obverse K with a unique large dragon. It appears that when the dies were prepared for this issue the dragon used was the same as that of the 20 Cash, a rare issues in its own right, instead of the normal dragon for the 10 Cash. Besides Woodward we are unaware of this listed in an other reference material. Good strike with minor encrustation and wear consistent for the grade. Attractive patina. Of the highest rarity and very interesting.
民国十三年浙江省造贰毫银样币。极其罕见,为我们首次经手。曾轻微清洗,但光泽仍旧充沛。铸打精良,虽获Details评级,仍独具魅力。NGC AU Details--Polished.CHINA. Chekiang. 20 Cents Pattern, Year 13 (1924). NGC AU Details--Polished.L&M-288; K-768; KM-Pn11; WS-1024 ...
浙江铜币一组。 十文及少量二文钱币。几乎全部根据伍德华或CL分组。含少量稀罕版别(CL-TK.01, TK.02, ZJ.21, ZJ.21)。约63枚一组。现况出售,概不退换。部分瑕疵或鏽蚀,数枚曾经清洗。
From the Q. David Bowers Collection.Ex: R. B. White.
PCGS AU-58 Secure Holder.
From the Q. David Bowers Collection.Ex: R. B. White.
CHINA. Chekiang. 5 Cash, ND (1906). PCGS AU-58 Secure Holder.CL- ...
PCGS AU-55 Secure Holder.
From the Q. David Bowers Collection.Ex: R. B. White.
CHINA. Chekian ...
PCGS MS-64 BN Secure Holder.
From the Q. David Bowers Collection.Ex: R. B. White.
CHINA. Chekiang. 10 Cash, CD (1906). PCGS MS-64 BN Secure Holder.Y-10b; CCC- ...
浙江省光绪元宝当十铜镍样币。极罕。顶上的满文"Boo",与顶上的中央直笔相连。根据"Concise Catalogue of Modern Chinese Copper Coins",Dr. Norman Jacobs的样币是唯一经确认的版别,续言Woodward 所列的应存世但为极罕。此枚应为Woodward 中所列的版别,但因为没有实图所以 ...
PCGS MS-64 Secure Holder.
From the Q. David Bowers Collection.Ex: R. B. White.
CHINA. Chekiang. 10 Cash, ND (1903-06). PCGS MS-64 Secure Holder.CL-ZJ.05; Y-49a; CC ...
关于浙江省造光绪元宝当十中花水龙 PCGS XF 45的评论