Dawson, Texas. $10 1929 Ty. 1. Fr. 1801-1. The Liberty NB. Charter #11239. PMG Choice Fine 15 Net.

拍卖公司 SBP 拍卖专场 SBP2018年3月巴尔地摩#8-网拍纸钞
拍品类别 外国钱币 拍卖状态 成交
成交价格 264元(USD) 拍卖时间 2018-03-27 04:00:00
价格估计 USD200-300 浏览量 35次
Dawson, Texas. $10 1929 Ty. 1. Fr. 1801-1. The Liberty NB. Charter #11239. PMG Choice Fine 15 Net.,The small town of Dawson was home to two note issuing banks with the Liberty National Bank being the second to charter in September of 1918. Just 9 large and 10 small notes are known from the bank. The printed details remain bold and the paper sound for the level of circulation. The grading service notes "Stained" in on the back of the holder which is really inconsequential at this grade level.,,

Dawson, Texas. $10 1929 Ty. 1. Fr. 1801-1. The Liberty NB. Charter #11239. PMG Choice Fine 15 Net.类似藏品价格参考

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