Fr. 28 (W-23). 1880 $1 Legal Tender Note. PCGS Superb Gem New 67 PPQ.

拍卖公司 SBP 拍卖专场 SBP2018年3月巴尔地摩#4-美国纸钞Anderson集藏
拍品类别 外国钱币 拍卖状态 成交
成交价格 4800元(USD) 拍卖时间 2018-03-23 09:30:00
价格估计 USD3000-4000 浏览量 8次
Fr. 28 (W-23). 1880 $1 Legal Tender Note. PCGS Superb Gem New 67 PPQ.,Both grading services have combined to grade and encapsulate 270 examples of this Scofield-Gilfillan 1880 $1 Legal Tender Note. Of that number, this is the lone piece to achieve a Superb Gem grade from either PMG or PCGS.<p><p>Boldly printed inks bring vivid detail to Ourdans depiction of Columbus as well as to the classic portrait of Washington at center. The red printed serial numbers and large brown spiked Treasury Seal are all deeply inked and sharp. The paper is flawlessly original with large even margins providing the perfect frame for the design. This is a condition rarity, a trophy note deluxe, yet remarkably still within a price range affordable to many buyers.<p><strong>$1 Legal Tender Notes, Series of 1880</strong><p><p>Legal Tender notes circulated widely. In 1869 the designs were changed to the popular "Rainbow Note" series with tinted paper and colored inks. These evolved into the later Series of 1874, 1878, and as here, 1880, followed by others through 1923.<p>After being discounted for years, Legal Tender Notes achieved parity with silver coins in April 1876, by which time Treasury finances were well organized. Parity with gold coins came in December 1878. <p>The center motif on the offered note is the famous portrait of Washington by Gilbert Stuart, still in use today. To the left is Joseph P. Ourdans engraving of Columbus in sight of land, the "discovery" of America. On the right is a very large brown spiked Treasury Seal, one of the most prominent in the federal series.,From the Joel R. Anderson Collection of United States Paper Money, Part I. Earlier from Lyn Knights sale of June 2009, lot 12.,
Fr. 282*. 1923 $5 Silver Certificate. No. *15391D. PMG Choice Uncirculated 64.,This Choice note displays a distinctive design, made more visually striking by the bold blue stars denoting it as a replacement note. The back of the PMG holder notes "Great Ma ...
   | 拍卖公司: : SBP | 拍卖专场: :SBP2018年3月巴尔地摩#5-美国纸钞Vanderbilt集藏 | 成交价格:9600元

Fr. 28 (W-23). 1880 $1 Legal Tender Note. PCGS Superb Gem New 67 PPQ.类似藏品价格参考

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