1795 Draped Bust Silver Dollar. B-52, B-15. Rarity-2. Centered Bust. AU-53 (NGC).

拍卖公司 SBP 拍卖专场 SBP2018年3月巴尔地摩#3-白金之夜
拍品类别 外国钱币 拍卖状态 成交
成交价格 13200元(USD) 拍卖时间 2018-03-23 11:30:00
价格估计 USD10000 浏览量 9次
1795 Draped Bust Silver Dollar. B-52, B-15. Rarity-2. Centered Bust. AU-53 (NGC).,This is a pleasant 1795 Draped Bust dollar with olive-copper highlights on a base of warmer silver gray patina. The strike is generally well centered, a bit less so on the obverse, but both sides are framed in fully denticulated borders. The devices are boldly to sharply detailed and uphold the validity of the AU grade from NGC. It is smooth and attractive and will be just right for a high grade collection. Bowers-Borckardt 52 is the Centered Bust variety of the first year Draped Bust silver dollar, survivors of which are always in demand among collectors seeking an example of the brief and challenging Small Eagle design type. This is one of the finer examples available in todays market, and it is sure to see spirited bidding at auction. BB Die State IV.,,
1795 Draped Bust Silver Dollar. BB-51, B-14. Rarity-2. Off-Center Bust. MS-62 (PCGS).,This 1795 BB-51 offers undeniable rarity and strong visual appeal for an early United States Mint silver dollar. It is a very well produced coin for its era, with the st ...
   | 拍卖公司: : SBP | 拍卖专场: :SBP2018年3月巴尔地摩#2-美国钱币Vanderbilt集藏 | 成交价格:108000元

1795 Draped Bust Silver Dollar. B-52, B-15. Rarity-2. Centered Bust. AU-53 (NGC).类似藏品价格参考

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