1874-CC Trade Dollar. MS-64 (PCGS). CAC.

拍卖公司 SBP 拍卖专场 SBP2018年3月巴尔地摩#2-美国钱币Vanderbilt集藏
拍品类别 外国钱币 拍卖状态 成交
成交价格 52800元(USD) 拍卖时间 2018-03-23 05:00:00
价格估计 USD13000 浏览量 16次
1874-CC Trade Dollar. MS-64 (PCGS). CAC.,This is a gorgeous Choice quality example of a conditionally challenging Carson City Mint issue. Adorned with mottled reddish-gold and light russet iridescence, both sides are highly lustrous with an intense satin finish. The strike is razor sharp with most design elements fully rendered. Smooth and attractive, there is not much separating this beautiful coin from a Gem Mint State grade.<p>The United States trade dollar made its debut in 1873 with circulation strike coinage continuing on a yearly basis through 1878. Authorized by the Act of February 12, 1873, which also abolished the standard silver dollar, the trade dollar owes its existence to Comptroller of the Currency John Jay Knox, principal architect of that omnibus coinage act. During a visit to San Francisco in 1870, Knox became aware of the strong influence of the China trade in the economy of the California port city. That trade, in turn, was heavily dependent on Mexican dollars, which were not only far more plentiful than American silver dollars at the time, but were also more acceptable to Chinese merchants due to their slightly higher weight and greater silver content. The San Francisco Mint had actually produced 20,000 silver dollars in 1859 at the request of local merchants, and the coins proved successful in trade with the Orient despite their disadvantages relative to Mexican dollars. The experiment was not repeated until 1872, however, when the 1872-S dollar emerged with an even smaller mintage of 9,000 pieces. Philadelphia Mint Liberty Seated dollars were also widely exported to the Orient beginning in the early 1840s but, again, such pieces were not plentiful and enjoyed less favor with Chinese merchants than their Mexican counterparts.<p><p>The trade dollar replaced the silver dollar in 1873 with the specific purpose of meeting the needs of commerce with the Orient. Indeed, the new denomination was authorized at a weight standard of 420 grains (greater than the 412.5-grain silver dollar), intended to make the trade dollar more attractive in the eyes of Oriental merchants. Yearly mintages were also much higher than those of the Liberty Seated dollar, especially at those coinage facilities closest to the ports of embarkation (Carson City and, especially, San Francisco). The trade dollar became an instant success in its intended role.<p>After delivering 124,500 pieces in 1873, the Carson City Mint stepped up trade dollar coinage in 1874 with a mintage of 1,373,200 coins. Most examples were shipped to China, as intended, where they circulated widely based on the multitude of chopmarked examples. Limited quantities of 1874-CC trade dollars remained stateside since the denomination enjoyed legal tender status within the United States until demonetized through the Act of July 22, 1876. Contemporary numismatic interest in this denomination was virtually nil, however, with few examples preserved in Mint State. In the finest grades, in fact, the 1874-CC is one of the rarest issues of its type. A superior quality survivor in terms of both surface preservation and eye appeal, this near-Gem is sure to sell for a strong bid.,From the A.J. Vanderbilt Collection. Earlier from Superiors Lee and Peter L. Shaffer Collections sale, September 1988, lot 3238; via Stacks. Lot tag included.,
1874-CC Liberty Head Double Eagle. EF-45 (PCGS).,An overall boldly struck, honey-orange example that also retains ample mint luster. The first moderately significant mintage of double eagles manufactured at the still relatively new mint at Carson City too ...
   | 拍卖公司: : SBP | 拍卖专场: :SBP2018年3月巴尔地摩#3-白金之夜 | 成交价格:5400元
1874-CC Liberty Head Double Eagle. MS-61 (PCGS). CAC.,This wonderfully original, aesthetically pleasing Carson City double eagle combines a satiny reverse with a modestly prooflike obverse. Both sides are predominantly fully struck and display rich honey- ...
   | 拍卖公司: : SBP | 拍卖专场: :SBP2018年3月巴尔地摩#2-美国钱币Vanderbilt集藏 | 成交价格:78000元
1874-CC Liberty Head Half Eagle. MS-62 (PCGS). OGH.,This beautiful early Carson City half eagle offers absolute scarcity and remarkable condition rarity. Satiny medium gold surfaces exhibit bold to sharp striking detail throughout the design. The appearan ...
   | 拍卖公司: : SBP | 拍卖专场: :SBP2018年3月巴尔地摩#2-美国钱币Vanderbilt集藏 | 成交价格:90000元
1874-CC Liberty Seated Half Dollar. Arrows. WB-3. Rarity-4. AU-58 (PCGS).,This is a lovely example of a prime rarity in both the Liberty Seated half dollar and Carson City Mint coinage series. Brilliant centers are framed by halos of iridescent steel-lila ...
   | 拍卖公司: : SBP | 拍卖专场: :SBP2018年3月巴尔地摩#2-美国钱币Vanderbilt集藏 | 成交价格:21600元
1874-cc自由坐一角 PCGS MS 63 1874-CC Liberty Seated Dime. Arrows. Fortin-101, the only known dies. Rarity-7+. MS-63 (PCGS).,This is a remarkable 1874-CC dime, an issue for which survivors are rare in all grades and typically found well worn and/or with s ...
   | 拍卖公司: : SBP | 拍卖专场: :SBP2018年3月巴尔地摩#2-美国钱币Vanderbilt集藏 | 成交价格:108000元

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