I B in a recessed rectangle on a 1785 Miller D-4.3 Bust Right Connecticut copper. Brunk B-43, Rulau-

拍卖公司 SBP 拍卖专场 SBP2018年3月巴尔地摩#1-美国钱币Dobbins集藏
拍品类别 外国钱币 拍卖状态 成交
成交价格 552元(USD) 拍卖时间 2018-03-22 03:00:00
价格估计 USD400 浏览量 44次
I B in a recessed rectangle on a 1785 Miller D-4.3 Bust Right Connecticut copper. Brunk B-43, Rulau-Unlisted. Host coin VF-20 Edge Damage, Environmental Damage.,Bold deep brown patina with scattered verdigris and, on the reverse, a few scattered spots. The I B countermark is attributed to John Bayley, a well known Philadelphia silversmith.,Collector envelope with attribution notes included.,

I B in a recessed rectangle on a 1785 Miller D-4.3 Bust Right Connecticut copper. Brunk B-43, Rulau-类似藏品价格参考

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