1914 Archer Milton Huntington Medal. Bronze. 67 mm. By Emil Fuchs. Miller-18. Awarded to Farran Zerb

拍卖公司 SBP 拍卖专场 SBP2018年3月巴尔地摩#1-美国钱币Dobbins集藏
拍品类别 外国钱币 拍卖状态 成交
成交价格 1020元(USD) 拍卖时间 2018-03-22 03:00:00
价格估计 USD1000 浏览量 17次
1914 Archer Milton Huntington Medal. Bronze. 67 mm. By Emil Fuchs. Miller-18. Awarded to Farran Zerbe. MS-63 (NGC).,Problem free olive-brown surfaces. Originally struck in 1908, this medal was used as an award to individuals who had made substantial contributions to numismatics. A total of 25 pieces were produced in bronze, the present example presented during one of the two ANS exhibitions in 1914 to no less than Farran Zerbe -- one of the best known numismatists of the early 20th century. Zerbe (1871-1949), who would eventually become president of the ANA, started collecting in 1882 when, as a newsboy in Tyrone, Pennsylvania, he was passed a French 50 centime coin as a dime. This sparked his interest, and within a few years he was selling coins by mail. By 1899 he had published <em>Just What You Should Know, Nut Shell Facts on Coins, Stamps & Paper Money. </em>From there his numismatic publishing efforts expanded, leading to his eventual editorship and ownership of <em>The Numismatist</em>, still published today. Heavily involved in the production and promotion of many commemorative coin issues, he was sometimes regarded as more of a huckster than a numismatist. Nevertheless, he is remembered today as one of the more influential, if also colorful figures in the history of U.S. numismatics.,,

1914 Archer Milton Huntington Medal. Bronze. 67 mm. By Emil Fuchs. Miller-18. Awarded to Farran Zerb类似藏品价格参考

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