1905年马萨诸塞州妇女协会代表奖章 NGC MS 65

拍卖公司 SBP 拍卖专场 SBP2018年3月巴尔地摩#1-美国钱币Dobbins集藏
拍品类别 铜币-外国钱币 拍卖状态 成交
成交价格 3120元(USD) 拍卖时间 2018-03-22 03:00:00
价格估计 USD15000 浏览量 18次
1905年马萨诸塞州妇女协会代表奖章 NGC MS 65

1905 Womens Auxiliary of the Massachusetts Civil Service Reform Association Presentation Medal. Joined Galvanic Shells. 128.0mm. Unsigned (by Frances Grimes and Augustus Saint-Gaudens). Cast by Gorham Company. Marqusee-349, Storer-1321, Dryfhout-199. MS-65 (NGC Photo certificate).,

When cataloged by D. Wayne Johnson in the Marquee Collection, it was thought that this medal was the design of Saint-Gaudens and executed by his studio assistance Frances Grimes. Further research by Bob Mueller, president of the Cornish Colony Museum, relates that this was most probably chiefly the work of Grimes under the critical tutelage of Saint-Gaudens, and Grimes is fact listed as the designer in the Auxiliarys 1906 Annual Report. These medals were awarded by the Association to eighth grade and high school students for competitive essays on Civil Service Reform; later awards of this medal were made by other organizations.

This medal is unawarded, and rightly so, as it didnt leave the Gorham Companys premises until sold as part of the Gorham Companys medal archives, which were acquired by our consignor. It is made of two galvanic copper shells that were deftly joined with filler metal and finished to a rich tawny brown hue. As well-made galvanos, the designs and lettering are actually much more sharply rendered than on the awarded medals-the chain mail and facing head are very sharp on the standing female figure of Justice, her hair strands are clearly delineated, and the pine cone wreath is overall sharper, all as compared to the cast bronze medals created by Gorham for the Association. These galvanic shells were clearly taken from the original model for the medal, hence their sharpness and desirability, as they are one step closer to Grimes and Saint-Gaudens critical work. This medal could also have been used to produce the molds for the medals that Gorham cast for the Association. An awarded example of this medal in our November 2017 Baltimore Auction brought $11,400-we believe this specimen from the Gorham Archives is as, if not more, desirable than one of the awarded medals.

From the Gorham Company Archives, and so-noted on the NGC Photo-Certificate. ,
1905 Lewis and Clark Exposition Gold Dollar. MS-64 (PCGS). CAC.,The handsome rose-orange surfaces are boldly struck with a soft satin texture. This is a very smooth and well preserved example of the more conditionally challenging of the two Lewis and Clar ...
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1905-O Barber Quarter. MS-64 (PCGS). CAC.,Pretty golden-copper iridescence is splashed about the peripheries of this satiny Barber quarter, with the toning a bit bolder and more extensive on the reverse. The strike is quite sharp by the standards of the i ...
   | 拍卖公司: : SBP | 拍卖专场: :SBP2018年3月巴尔地摩#2-美国钱币Vanderbilt集藏 | 成交价格:2160元
Lot 2441.CHINA. CHINESISCHE MÜNZEN. Provinz Fookien. Ku.-10 Cash o. J. (1901-1905). Probe in Bronze. 10,11 g; 25,13 mm.
   | 拍卖公司: : Kuenker | 拍卖专场: :Kuenker2018年3月-中国钱币(#305) | 成交价格:18000元
银币三枚一组, 包括1905香港半圆, 1911-B港光及1902美国摩根银元, XF-UNC敬请预览。Mixed Lot,of 3 coins, consisting of Hong Kong 50 cents, 1905, Great Britain silver trade Dollar, 1911-B and USA silver Morgan Morgan 1902-O, in XF, AU and UNC condition respectiv ...
   | 拍卖公司: : SPINK | 拍卖专场: :SPINK2018年1月香港-网络限时专场 | 成交价格:1560元
1905香港半圆, AU-UNC。Hong Kong,50 cents, 1905, Edward VII on obverse, almost uncirculated to uncirculated
   | 拍卖公司: : SPINK | 拍卖专场: :SPINK2018年1月香港-网络限时专场 | 成交价格:960元
1905年德国施瓦兹堡2马克纪念银币一枚,NGC MS64。German States: Schwartzburg-Sondershausen,silver 2 Mark, 1905, 25th Anniversary of the Reign of Karl Gunther, thin rim,(KM 153), NGC MS64
   | 拍卖公司: : SPINK | 拍卖专场: :SPINK2018年1月香港-网络限时专场 | 成交价格:0元
C 1905年武昌本埠公文封,贴蟠龙邮票10分直双连,销武昌“乙巳正月十一日”干支戳(P)
   | 拍卖公司: : 中国嘉德 | 拍卖专场: :中国嘉德2001年秋拍-钱币邮品专场 | 成交价格:3850元
   | 拍卖公司: : 中国嘉德 | 拍卖专场: :中国嘉德2001年秋拍-钱币邮品专场 | 成交价格:0元
PC 1905年寄上海清一次邮资明信片,销八卦戳及英文“由轮船寄发”戳,明信片有损;1907年杭州寄英国清三次邮资明信片双片之回片,加贴蟠龙邮票1分二枚,销杭州邮戳,明信片有陈旧感(P)
   | 拍卖公司: : 中国嘉德 | 拍卖专场: :中国嘉德2001年秋拍-钱币邮品专场 | 成交价格:0元
PC 1905年、1908年从济南、上海寄德国清一次邮资明信片各一件,均贴德国客邮票,销济南、上海德国邮局戳,有到达戳;1905年胶州寄德国二次片回片一件,贴德国胶州特印邮票,有到达戳;另有贴七国客邮票销印的二次片一件 ...
   | 拍卖公司: : 中国嘉德 | 拍卖专场: :中国嘉德2001年秋拍-钱币邮品专场 | 成交价格:0元
PC 1905年山东寄荷兰清一次邮资明信片,加贴蟠龙邮票1分、2分各一枚,销“山西路安 乙巳三月三日”双圆干支戳,另有天津、德国上海客邮局中转戳及到达戳,另有红色“荷兰图”长方章(P)
   | 拍卖公司: : 中国嘉德 | 拍卖专场: :中国嘉德2001年秋拍-钱币邮品专场 | 成交价格:1320元
   | 拍卖公司: : 中国嘉德 | 拍卖专场: :中国嘉德2002年春拍-钱币邮品专场 | 成交价格:0元
   | 拍卖公司: : 中国嘉德 | 拍卖专场: :中国嘉德2002年春拍-钱币邮品专场 | 成交价格:2420元
   | 拍卖公司: : 中国嘉德 | 拍卖专场: :中国嘉德2002年春拍-钱币邮品专场 | 成交价格:1760元
   | 拍卖公司: : 中国嘉德 | 拍卖专场: :中国嘉德2002年春拍-钱币邮品专场 | 成交价格:1320元

1905年马萨诸塞州妇女协会代表奖章 NGC MS 65类似藏品价格参考

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