1990年熊猫金章,熊猫系列。纪念第三届香港钱币展。发行量仅2000枚。镜面,霜面底板。光彩动人。NGC PROOF-68 ULTRA CAMEO.CHINA. Bimetallic Medal, 1990. Panda Series. NGC PROOF-68 ULTRA CAMEO.Bruce-MB62; PAN-138a. Struck to commemorate the 3rd Hong Kong Coin Expo ...
1988年铜质纪念章,熊猫系列。发行量仅200件。香港首届钱币展览会纪念。光亮诱人。NGC PROOF-67 ULTRA CAMEO.CHINA. Brass Commemorative Medal, 1988. Panda Series. NGC PROOF-67 ULTRA CAMEO.32 mm. PAN-94a. From a mintage of only 200 pieces. Struck to commemorate th ...
1988年5盎斯银章。熊猫系列。第七届香港国际硬币展纪念。发行量仅1000枚。镜面底板,霜化图文,精美诱人。NGC PROOF-68 ULTRA CAMEO.CHINA. 5 Ounce Silver Medal, 1988. Panda Series. NGC PROOF-68 ULTRA CAMEO.Bruce-MB22; PAN-86a. Struck for the 7th Hong Kong Internat ...
1984年1盎司银章,熊猫系列。第三届香港硬币展览会纪念,镜面底板,霜化图文。NGC PROOF-68 ULTRA CAMEO.CHINA. 1 Ounce Silver Medal, 1984. Panda Series. NGC PROOF-68 ULTRA CAMEO.Bruce-MB1; PAN-21a. Struck for the 3rd Hong Kong Coin Exposition. Brilliant with har ...
淸代广东光绪元宝方孔铜钱,背铸香港製造,UNC, 少见。Qing Dynasty,copper cash coin, Guangxu Tong Bao, Kwangtung Mint, square hole at centre, Chinese characters on obverse, reverse Manchu legend and English MADE IN HK at centre below,uncirculated and rare. ...
1987-88香港钱币书两本, 保存完好。Hong Kong,lot of 2x reference books, Currency of Hong Kong by produced by the Hong Kong Museum of History, 1988 Edition and Money in the Bank by Joe Bribb, 1987,both in good states of preservation with the dust jackets ...
1949年香港金银贸易场发出之现金存款收据,GVF 少见。Paper Ephemera,an cash deposit receipt issued by The Chinese Gold & Silver Exchange Society, 1949, vertical format, green on white, brush writing, red seal,good very fine, rare seen. ...
1962年香港联安水火险有限公司火险保单,编号73202附该公司信封及收据,GVF。The Luen On Fire & Marine Insurance Co., Ltd., Hong Kong,a fire policy, 1962, number 73202, large format, green, vignettes of ship at top left, building at centre, junk at right, large ...
1950年香港联益人寿保险有限公司货仓火险单,编号2862, 保存良好,GVF。Lun Yick Mutual & Marine Insurance Co. Ltd., Hong Kong,fire policy issued to a godown in Des Voeux Road West, 1950, number 2862, large format, beautiful vignette of globe, mountain, buildi ...
香港流通币4枚一组,UNC。Hong Kong,a plastic wallet containing the circulating coins of Hong Kong , including 5cents 1965, 10 cents 1964, 50 cents1963 and $1, 1970,uncirculated, with slight age toning (4)
1978年香港贰圆及伍圆, PCGS分别评64及65分, 年份罕有。Hong Kong,lot of 2 coins, $2 and $5, both dated 1978, graded PCGS MS64 and MS65 respectively, both the key dates of the series (2)