1980-90年代新中国凹版印样7枚一组,部分印样与现行人民币图案相同,UNC。Intaglio Prints,7 pieces of peasant girl and worker, same design used for the 1980 and 1990 50 yuan renminbi,(Pick 888), uncirculated.(7)
1980年四版人民币二元,细号AY00000018, PMG64。People s Bank of China,2 yuan, 1980, low serial number AY00000018, green on multicolour underprint, women at right,(Pick 885a), PMG 64, choice uncirculated.
1980年中国人民银行贰角一组一千枚, 带原包装, 均UNC。People s Bank of China,4th series renminbi, 1980, consecutive run of 1000x 2 jiao, 1980, serial number UC03749001 to 03750000,(Pick 882a), uncirculated, sealed in original packaging
1980汇丰一佰圆一对, 编号716156及716157 YM, 均评PMG66EPQ。The HongKong and Shanghai Banking Corporation,a consecutive pair of $100, 31.3.1980, serial number 716156 and 716157 YM, red with multicoloured vignette at centre, coat of arms at left, watermark of ...
1980-83年香港上海汇丰银行伍拾圆三枚,1972年一佰圆,均PMG58-65EPQ。The HongKong and Shanghai Banking Corporation,group of 4 notes, $50, 1980, 1981 and 1983, $100, 1972, with serial on the reverse,(Pick 184f, 184g, 184h and 185a), PMG 64, 65EPQ, 64EPQ and 58 ...
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