2012中银100周年纪念钞一佰圆,编号AA 001958, PMG65EPQ。Bank of China,$100, 5.2.2012, commemorative of the centenary of the bank, serial number AA 001958, red and multicolour, Great Wall at centre left, reverse red and multicolour, view of Victoria Harbour at centre,(Pick 346), PMG 65EPQ Gem Uncirculated
2012中国银行成立100周年纪念钞香港及澳门各一张,同编号238508, 均评PMG66EPQ, 同号钞市场极之难找。Bank of China,a pair of commemorative $100, Macau and Hong Kong issue, 2012, identical serial number 238508, (Pick 114, 346), difficult to find a pair, both PMG ...
2012年中国银行百年华诞纪念钞港币及澳门币一佰圆,同票号各一共两套,均带原装封套。均全新Bank of China, sets of 2012 Centenary HK$100 & 100 Patacas, s/ns 258676 & BOC258676, both with original holders. Both UNC (2 sets) ...
关于2012中银100周年纪念钞一佰圆,编号AA 001958, PMG65EPQ的评论