50年代前亚洲纸币一组大约二百枚,包括中国,日本,建议预览,成交后不接受退货。China and Other Asia,a large group of approximately 200 notes, mostly pre-1950, including Central Bank of China, Japanese Invasion money and Japanese yen notes,mixed condition, sol ...
清代香淤广告日曆卡, 另两枚日本, 韩国淤卡一组八枚, 少见。Qing Dynasty,a lot of 6 cigarette advertising cards with calendar on back, 1909, together with two Japanese and Korean cigarette cards, multicolour prints, some with Chinese characters,well preserved, ...
明治三十五年至大正十二年日本陆军荣誉证书一组四枚, 有黄, 均GVF, 少见。Japan,a lot of four certificates of merit, awarded to army for shooting and fencing, Meiji Year 35, 40, 45 and Taisho Year 12 respectively, foxing, good very fine and rare.(4) ...
昭和十五年(1940)大日本帝国政府支那事变陆海军荣誉证书各一枚, 有黄, VF,罕见。Japan,a pair of certificates of merit, awarded to army and navy for China Incident, 1940, foxing, very fine and rare.(2)
昭和十七年大日本帝国政府大东亚战争国库债劵叁拾圆样票, AU。Japan,a Treasury Bond of 30 yen for Greater East Asian War, Specimen, ND, warship and aircraft at left, tank at right,about uncirculated.
明治十年(1877)日本贸易银圆, PCGS AU Details。Japan,silver 1 yen, Meiji Year 10(1877), Trade Dollar, coiled dragon on obverse, Chinese characters Trade Dollar on reverse,PCGS holder AU Detail, tooled.
日本铜币二枚一组,包括1919年五厘及1933年一仙,分别评PCGS MS64RB及MS63RB。Japan,lot of 2x bronze fractionals, 5 rin, 1919 and 1 sen, 1933,PCGS MS64RB and MS63RB respectively (2)
日本早期银及铜币一组五枚,不同面值,整体品相尚佳。Japan,group of 5 coins, 1 shu, silver (2), 1 bu, silver (1), bronze 100 mon (1) and 20 sen, silver, 1898, mixed condition but overall in fairly high grade (5)
亚洲纸币一组三十二枚, 包括香港, 澳门, 日本, 俄罗斯, 混合品相,建议阅览,不设退换。Mixed lot,lot of 32 notes, consisting of 1 yen (3), 10 yen from Bank of Japan, 10 cents from Government of Hong Kong (5), 50 avos from Banco Nacional Ultramarino (14), russia ...