1962年韩国银行伍拾圆, PMG66EPQ。South Korea, Bank of Korea,50 won, 1962, serial number ED3796741, red and multicolour, Hallyeo Maritime Park at right, reverse torch at centre,(Pick 34a), PMG 66EPQ Gem Uncirculated
Fr. 1962-B. 1950A $5 Federal Reserve Note. New York. PCGS Gem New 65 PPQ. Mismatched Serial Numbers.,Mismatched serial numbers are always a popular error type and locating any that show more than a single mismatched digit can be challenging. This Five Dol ...
1962年三版人民币一角背绿,编号V III IV 0865918, PMG58。People’s Bank of China,1 jiao, 1962, serial number V III IV 0865918, prefix 3 red roman numerals, multicolour, peasants walking towards the left, reverse green and brown,(Pick 877a), PMG 58, Choice Ab ...
中国人民银行1962错体一角,纸张压缩,令字体变形,VF品相,#VI VII III 5231448。People s Bank of China,3rd series renminbi, 1 jiao, serial number VI VII III 5231448, ERROR NOTE, the paper miscut and the serial numbers printed diagonally,(Pick 877c), very fine ...
1962年香港联安水火险有限公司火险保单,编号73202附该公司信封及收据,GVF。The Luen On Fire & Marine Insurance Co., Ltd., Hong Kong,a fire policy, 1962, number 73202, large format, green, vignettes of ship at top left, building at centre, junk at right, large ...
1962年渣打银行拾圆,PMG63EPQ。The Chartered Bank,$10, 3.3.1962, serial number T/G 7756837, red and multicoloured, keys left and right, coat of arms at left, reverse red, bank building at centre,(Pick 70b), PMG 63EPQ Choice Uncirculated
渣打银行拾圆, (无日期1962-70), 编号U/G4006606, PMG66EPQ。The Chartered Bank,$10, no date (1962-70), serial number U/G 4006606, red and multicoloured, arms at left, keys at both sides, bank building on reverse,(Pick 70c), PMG 66EPQ, Gem Uncirculated. ...
1962-88年香港渣打银行纸币一组十一枚,AU-UNC。Mixed lot Chartered Bank,group of 11 notes, 1962-1988, Chartered Bank $5 (4) and $10, the Standard Chartered Bank $10 (2), $20, $100 (3),most notes uncirculated, the rest almost uncirculated, a high grade group ...
1962-70渣打伍圆绿锁匙一对,编号S/F5108541-2, AU品相。Chartered Bank,a consecutive pair of $5, ND(1962-70), serial number S/F5109541-2, green, black on pink and yellow-brown, arms at low left, keys at top left and right, reverse green, sampans at centre,(Pi ...
1962-70渣打(无日期)伍圆绿锁匙一对,编号S/F 4711116及4711176, 均评PMG64。The Chartered Bank,a pair of $5, no date (1962-70), serial number S/F 4711166 and S/F 4711176, green and multicoloured, keys left and right, coat of arms at left, reverse green, sam ...
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