1992年中国古代科技发明发现(第1组)纪念银币15克铜铸币 近未流通
Volksrepublik seit 1949 3 X 3 Yuan Silber: 1992. Gießen von Münzen aus Bronze und Zinn, 1992 Papierherstellung aus der Rinde des Maulbeerbaumes und 1995 Gottheiten des Glücks. In Kapseln mit e ...
1999年中国人民银行一,伍,拾,贰拾,伍拾,一佰圆一组六枚,同编号00000395,均UNC。People s Bank of China,a complete set of 1, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 yuan, 1999, identical serial number 00000395, but prefix GD, EG, JD, BC, CG and WH respectively, all featurin ...
2000年中国龙钞100元,编号J03347534, PMG64EPQ。People s Bank of China,100 yuan, 2000, serial number J03347534, polymer issue, the famous Dragon note issued for the Millenium,(Pick 902), PMG 64EPQ Choice Uncirculated
中国人民银行1990错体一佰圆,左下角小福耳,XF品相,#JQ25334518。People s Bank of China,ERROR NOTE, 100 yuan, 1990, serial number JQ25334518, small fish fin error at bottom left,(Pick 889b), good very fine
1980-90年代新中国凹版印样7枚一组,部分印样与现行人民币图案相同,UNC。Intaglio Prints,7 pieces of peasant girl and worker, same design used for the 1980 and 1990 50 yuan renminbi,(Pick 888), uncirculated.(7)
1980年中国人民银行贰角一组一千枚, 带原包装, 均UNC。People s Bank of China,4th series renminbi, 1980, consecutive run of 1000x 2 jiao, 1980, serial number UC03749001 to 03750000,(Pick 882a), uncirculated, sealed in original packaging
1988年中国银行外汇券伍拾圆, 编号CP08953665, PMG67EPQ。Bank of China, Foreign Exchange Certificate,50 yuan, 1988, serial number CP08953665, green and brown, mountains and river at centre,(Pick FX8), PMG 67EPQ Superb Gem Uncirculated.
1979年中国银行外汇兑换劵伍拾圆, PMG64,少见年份。Bank of China, Foreign Exchange Certificate,50 yuan, 1979, serial number ZF840908, red on multicolour underprint, scene of mountain lake of Guilin,(Pick FX6), PMG 64, Choice Uncirculated and key note of this ...
1979年中国银行外汇兑换劵伍拾圆样票, PMG64EPQ。Bank of China, Foreign Exchange Certificate,50 yuan, specimen, 1979, serial number ZA000000, control number 12107, red on multicolour underprint, scene of mountain lake of Guilin,(Pick FX6s), PMG 64EPQ, Choice ...
1979年中国银行外汇券伍拾圆样钞,PMG67EPQ。Bank of China, Foreign Exchange Certificate,50 yuan, specimen, 1979, serial number ZA000000, control number 10145, red on multicolour, Elephant Trunk Mountain at right, SPECIMEN overprinted n red block letters, ...
1979年中国银行外汇券1角及拾圆二张一组,分别评PMG69及68EPQ。Bank of China,1 jiao and 10 yuan, Foreign Exchange Certificates, 1979, serial numbers CS800686 and AZ048897 respectively,(Pick FX1a and FX5), PMG 69EPQ and 68EPQ respectively, high grade pair (2) ...
中国人民银行1962错体一角,纸张压缩,令字体变形,VF品相,#VI VII III 5231448。People s Bank of China,3rd series renminbi, 1 jiao, serial number VI VII III 5231448, ERROR NOTE, the paper miscut and the serial numbers printed diagonally,(Pick 877c), very fine ...
1960年中国人民银行一角, PMG64。People s Bank of China,1 jiao, 1960, serial number IV VII II 7473236, red on multicolour, a group of worker at centre, reverse National Emblem at right,(Pick 873), PMG 64 Choice Uncirculated