1904年海峡殖民地(新加坡)一圆银币,民国三年袁世凯一圆银币各一枚,GEF-AU。Mixed lot,a pair of silver dollar, consisting of a Straits Settlements (Singapore) $1 1904 and a silver Yuan Shih Kai Fatman dollar 1914, good extremey fine/almost uncirculated (2) ...
1999年新加坡贰圆及伍圆二枚一组,相同幸运号OCC555555,均UNC。Singapore,a pair of $2 and $10, ND(1999), with same solid serial number OCC555555, purple and red on multicolour underprint respectively, portrait of president Encik Yusof bin Ishak at right,(Pick ...
1995年新加坡一佰圆, PMG66EPQ。Singapore, Board of Commissioners of Currency,$100, 1995, serial number A/29 128902, red and multicolour, passenger liner at left, emblem at top left, reverse brown and multicolour, Singapore Changi Airport at right,(Pick 23c) ...
1990年新加坡伍拾圆纪念钞,编号B898912, PMG65EPQ。Singapore,$50, commerative issue, ND (1990), serial number B898912, orange and multicolour, old and modern harbour scene at left and right, Yusuf bin Ishak at centre, reverse purple and orange, First Parliam ...
新加坡纸钞 50元,船系列一组10枚(1984),000001-000010号。均全新Singapore: a group of Ship series $50, ND (1987), s/ns D/58 000001 - 000010. SOLD AS IS/NO RETURN. All Gem UNC (10 pcs)
新加坡纸钞 1元,船系列一组10枚(1984),000001-000010号。均全新Singapore: a group of Ship series $1, ND (1987), s/ns D/34 000001 - 000010. SOLD AS IS/NO RETURN. All Gem UNC (10 pcs)
新加坡纸钞兰花系一组五枚:1元 - 50元(1967)。25元有数小黄点,均全新Singapore: a group of Orchid series $1 - $50, ND (1967). SOLD AS IS/NO RETURN. Several toned spots on $25, all Choice UNC (5 pcs)
关于新加坡纸钞 1000元(1984)Singapore: $1000, ND (1984), s/n A/8 286857. PMG EPQ 65 Gem UNC的评论